jueves, 18 de julio de 2013


The other day I asked myself a question. Where are all those players that were stars in their national teams and their club, who for some reason are no longer under the spotlight of worldwide football? Perhaps they are retired, or the level they play at is not the same as it was, and they went to other small steams. It could be their age, or maybe they are currently coaching some team somewhere in the world.
I know that there are a lot of players whom I should mention, but here I will only mention five who merit it. They were all stars in their teams and were praised for thousands around the world. Let’s begin…
Do you remember Rafael Marquez? Now 34 years old, the Mexican midfielder and defender began his career at age 17 for the club Atlas. After a little more than three years at the club, he was  signed for Monaco in France who paid around 7 million euros for him. In his first season at this club, he was Champion of the French league.
In 2003 he was signed by FC Barcelona and it was at this club where we saw the best of Marquez, playing along with players like Ronaldinho, Carles Puyol and Samuel Eto’o. It was precisely in the time of Marquez where we saw the best, too, of Barcelona, who became the best team in the world. In 2010 Marquez was released from Barça and was signed by Red Bulls of New York, where he didn’t play much because of injury. Marquez was no longer the same player, and he is currently a player the Mexican team Leon FC, where he also does not play that much. Rafa Marquez is involved in lots of charity and under his name is a foundation that helps poor people, especially kids, to have a better future.


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